Friday, July 9, 2010

i drew thiss...

and trust me, you will laugh, or scoff, or scream your head off in disapproval when i tell you what this drawing was SUPPOSED to be.
you see,
i recently bought a teen vogue magazine and i thought
"jani, you are a human being. you have fingers and toes and holy guacamole, if an elephant can paint then you can for sure draw!" i was trying to prove my brain a point and...i tried to draw this...
and this blog thing wont let me rotate the picture -.-
but if you tilt your head you can see that i was trying to draw the girl with the glasses...and i failed miserably.
hahahaha. its pretty hilarious how i was WAY off.
&there are many more drawings that i attempted to make but i will post those some other day, once my laughter lets me hold a camera steady :P

0m nashi mee,
--janii :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010


 okay, this is what usually happens but with me being in the boy position.
cause i have a guitar and whenever i take it somewhere or a guy comes over they always ask
"oh can you play ____ insert song there"
and i always say "nopee. i cant play a single chord. i bought it cause..well i wanted to learn but no one taught me"
and they always just stare or scoff.
so maybe next time i'll do what this picture says
except..i dont thhink anyone will be taking their shirt off.

thank you for letting me completly waste your time.

om nashi me,
janii :)

i like having things in my room

these are some of the things in my room :)

yes, i am aware that the words 'joe jonas' are written in the flower power yeah psh. that wasnt me.

om nashi me,
jani :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

sorry about that..

i was a little angry um, yesterday? no i think it was the day before.
fresh start fresh start. we're thinking of fresh starts :)

does everyone have a boyfriendman these days?
it sure seems like it.

oh and you HAVE to see this!

i couldnt get the whole video on here because embedding was removed by request blah blah blah, 
some bloke who didn't want other people to share the good stuff :P


i think ezra is so (insert non cheesy word here) with his dancing.
he should be on step up 2.

and i should be the step up girl ;)

yeah step up to africa.


currently listening to :
ruthless by ima robot.

shop of the day:
free people has something rreaaallly realllyy good in their sale sectionn :D


om nashi mee,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

go to hell carlos.
don't ever talk to me again.
i mean it.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

tre tre classique

 so i was just having a very nice fourth of july weekend today 
  i had just spent an hour watching live performances by i mean vampire weekend,
and then i spent two hours re-singing his performances using my tripod as a microphone.
and then i spent half an hour re listening to edward sharpe's album.
and my mom's fiancĂȘ (or however the little "e" accent thing goes) brought home a laptop and some nice boneless wings.
this day was..well pretty close to amazing.
oh so yeah.
i have a point.
i also have a point for why i'm writing in italics.
i'll get to that soon.

  so as i was relaxing on my couch,
delighting in some mild BBQ wings,
i turned on the telly,
and just guess what came on?
i am a huge fan.
especially of the pierce brosnan versions.
and when this came on,
i just started freaking out.
(and i kind of dropped my wing,but not the point)
I started thinking that in that movie,
it seemed to me as if that was the james bond with the most class.

james bond with the best accent- daniel craig
james bond with the best dimple/line dimple thingie-sean connery


oh and i'm using italics because i just thought it'd make my blog kind of classier..well for today since i'm talking about mr. bond.

what kind of "classy" blog uses the word dimple thingie?


i need bond classes.

ahem i mean

have a splendid weekend my dears.

om nashi me,

J like JAMES.

  i need brain surgery.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

san franciscooo

i checked my mail today & there was a beautiful letter &dvd from the academy of art university!

i jumped up and down like a tiger from pooh ;)
truth is,
i am very very excited to sign up with this university.
my graduation date isn't gonna be here that quick but in the meantime i shall be dreaming of going here.

i'm so excited.
i just can't hide it

that seems to be my favorite song today :D

om nashi me, --janii